I have always been a sucker for either fashion or "pretty" things. When I was younger, I thought I will sooner or later go through that phase where my intuition is able to guide me to dressing up fashionably or with some edginess - but I'm seventeen and I still dress up like a moth when most people my age are dolled up like a butterfly. It's unfair to say that I have no tried, I have. Sometimes I try to mix and match what I already have in my closet but that doesn't seem to work out. Sometimes I try to play with some accessories but I either look too simple or simply over the top. And when I shop, I try to buy a head-to-toe outfit and mentally pair it up with my other clothing that I already have but nothing ever seems to hang quite right on me. I begin to think about this even more frequent now that I watch "How do I look" - a realty tv show about setting people up for a fashion intervention. What influenced me the most is that mini heart changing spe...