You bored?

Hi, hello, ssup.

Well I'm pretty sure that I'm getting lamer by day. Simply based on the reason that it's Friday, 11pm and I'm already sleepy. I mean, which fifteen year old does that? I do. Lol see? Bored to the cores of your sandwich, I was. Signed in my twitter and started to do what I do best. Bug people. It always saves me from boredom I swear. That's why I'll die without the internet. Food's my number one hero before Internet of course. Lol I'd explode without food.

So yeah. I pretty much crapped my way into twitter and bug some people. Some 'TwitterFamous' didn't reply. Puiiii!I can find someone better than you! Ceh padahal dalam hati tengah hoping diaorg balas tu
So in a nutshell, I'd just like to end this wide awake eyes of mine to sleep by posting a very boring post. *YAWWWWNNNSSSS* It's working :D Trying everything to deal this boredom and fall asleep.

Yo people, wanna see something cool? Close your eyes for 10 seconds and when you open, blink twice.

You people better thank me for the miracle you just witnessed!

Nureen xx


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