Reasons and excuses.

Everytime I believe in something, I get crushed. Mr.Barton said that if we "believe" something will happen, 97% of it will. You know what, that's utter BS.
I'm a dreamer. I dream big, I hope big, I want big. But all I get is nothing. Zero.

"Keep trying and you'll make it" <--- THIS TOO, UTTER BS.
Like wtf? If you just can't do it, you just can't.No matter how much or how hard you try, you'll never be on top. Some people are born talented and gifted and some aren't.
And the second part happens to be me.

I'm taking a long trip down memory lane.
The old me is desperately wanting to push away the "new" me. TBH, I really like who am I now or who I'm trying to be now..
I'm more optimistic and patient, I'm more hardworking and confident. But the old me keeps pushing away these good things in me.

I'm forever not gonna taste pure success and happiness. EVER.
It's like, eveyrtime I'm up, the wheel just breaks down and by the time I know it, I'm down and crushed again. And I have to wait and work hard to fix the damaged wheel all over again.
You know what?
The world's gonna end soon. I seriously can't be bothered to try harder to please people and myself. I'll just let everyone down and 5 years later or so, no one will care.
Eventually, it's us against the world.



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