
There's just something about being in your 20s that just warrants one of two - destruction or growth. I don't know if it's just me but people everywhere have somewhat drummed it into themselves and myself, that our 20s will determine how the rest of our lives are gonna play out. if that's objectively true, then you have to admit, that's a mortifying reality. for many, being in their 20s may be the first time they have to be away from their family; their main guidance and support system. for many, being in their 20s mean they have no option but to live independently on their own two feet. for many, being in their 20s mean they have unprecedented freedom. with that much novelty in freedom and independence - these are the times we are bound to make the most mistakes. and for people to tell me that some of these mistakes may cost me my future - that's terrifying. maybe this is just an asian mentality thing but whatever degree of truth this perception holds, all we can do is make the best choices that we think are best at the time, and pray that with good intentions and pure determination, things will work out for us.

also, isn't it ironic that the world expects our generation to shape and define the future while they forcefully shape and define who we are? honestly, with our own internal pressure, pressure from our parents, people we love, friends - i'm actually surprised that more of us are still here and playing along with this "game".  

I mean, not a single person that I've met in my 20s know what they are doing; but when we talk about other people in their 20s, we awe at how sorted out they are and how much they have their life together - but do we actually know anyone outside of social media, who we are close to; who's hearts and minds we know and understand, that actually has their shit figured out? I don't know who you guys surround yourselves with but i know for a fact that no one i know has it together. 

Recently i learned a new term that fits my current mood so well, it's called the Duck Syndrome: "think of a duck gliding along the water. She looks very serene, calm and pleasant. Then, if you look under the water, she is paddling frantically. That is the Duck Syndrome — too many students on the outside appear calm, cool, and collected while on the inside they are completely stressed out"

but still, knowing what we know, we still feel nauseatingly insufficient & incompetent over who we are - allowing the insufferable fear of failing or getting it wrong or missing out to distress the frick out of us yet lose our minds and sanity in trying to delude the outside world that we are anything BUT the things mentioned previously. 

what kind of twisted and unnecessarily complicated social game have we created? 


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